Friday 14 January 2011

Shilin slips

Another uninformed, insightless wander through another district of Taipei, on the lookout for 'hilarious' shop names and letting the real beauty of the world slip by.

This will be the last of these. At least, until I see the next Boloking.

Your interpretation of the slang term will depend on where you went to school
(mine's relatively mild by comparison)

For when Aquafresh is just too vegetarian

A coquettish wink promising girls and guts?
Again, it's like Taipei is trying to appeal to the thirteen-year-old me

I don't think I want the translation...

Nah, I know it's a valid Buddhist symbol, I'm not that ignorant. Sometimes Taipei is so normal, I forget it's a very different part of the world. Besides, this is a lot less shocking than when I saw a copy of Mein Kampf being shamelessly sold outside a book shop on the streets of Cairo

On my last day in Taipei, I finally see some non-dead lotuses (apparently water lilies. My ignorance knows no bounds).
How's that for a happy ending? (Not in the unpleasant Wanko sense)